Exam Information

Students are thoroughly prepared for external examinations that take place in the summer term of year 11.

Mock examinations and mock results morning

Year 10 is the commencement of GCSE and BTEC qualifications. Students will sit practice examinations using past exam papers. This is to replicate real examination conditions. Examination timetables will be published approximately a month prior to exams. Students will need to check the exam notice board in the forum for seating plan information.

Mock exam results will be provided to students after a formal assembly. They will be supported by CIEAG advisers and form tutors when talking through next steps. Bespoke action plans will support with further improvements for subsequent exams.

Full information regarding the rules surrounding exams can be found at the bottom of the page.

Intervention sessions

Students follow an assessment schedule for each subject. and mock examinations. Any students not achieving their target grades are expected to attend intervention sessions to ensure they are successful in completing these questions in future exams.

On-line support

Students are given log-in information at the start of year They are encouraged to complete the daily goals for maths, English and science each day. Each week, prizes are awarded to students who have high levels of engagement on these platforms.

Half-term and Easter revision

We may provide revision sessions, either virtually or in person over school holidays. Parents will be sent a calendar of lessons which will be available on Microsoft Teams, Parentmail, emailed to students directly and published on exam notice boards.

Year 11 information evenings

Parents are invited to attend virtual and/or face to face meetings to find out how they can support their child with their studies. Topics such as exam stress, revision, information on careers and next steps such as college applications are discussed.

Exam day

Here you can find out what to expect on the day, including guidance and advice on dealing with any unexpected issues that may come up and some tips on approaching your exam.

Unforeseen circumstances on exam day


If you are sick on the day of an exam you should contact school as soon as possible. You will require a medical certificate.

Severe weather or major travel disruption

If school can open, exams will be held as normal. If you’re unable get there due to severe weather or travel disruption, school may send you to an alternative venue or withdraw you from the exam.

If severe weather is forecast:

  • allow extra travel time
  • check for updates from school
  • contact us if you think you may arrive late (you may still be able to sit your exam).
Arriving late or leaving early

If you think you may be late for an exam, contact us as soon as possible. Depending on how late you arrive, you may or may not be allowed to sit the exam.

Students are not allowed to leave the exam room in the first hour. If, in an emergency, someone needs to contact a student taking an exam, they should call the school or college directly.

Missing an exam

If you miss an exam due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to apply for special consideration. For more information see JCQ’s guide to the special consideration process.

In the exam room

School will provide the question papers, answer sheets and additional materials. You should check with your teachers beforehand whether there are any specific instructions or additional equipment/materials needed, such as a calculator for maths exams.

What to take

Generally, only the following can be taken into an exam:

  • a black pen (plus spares)
  • pencils and erasers
  • a clear pencil case
  • a water bottle with no label on it.

JCQ’s information for candidates documents have a full list of instructions for exam day.

Before the exam starts

To help ensure things go smoothly you should:

  • arrive on time (aim to get to the exam 10 to 15 minutes before the start)
  • leave phones and any kind of watch outside the exam room (you will be penalised if you’re found to have these items with you during an exam)
  • listen carefully to the teacher/invigilator’s instructions.
During the exam
  • be quiet once the exam starts – talking to, or disturbing, other students can lead to a penalty
  • read the instructions carefully
  • take the time to read each question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked
  • look out for command words and identify key words before answering
  • use the answer book to brainstorm and mind-map ideas
  • remember to cross out any draft work that you don’t want to be marked
  • write neatly
  • answer the question being asked, not the one you were expecting
  • use the allocated marks as a rough guideline for how much time to spend on each answer
  • if you can’t answer a question, move onto the next and come back to it later
  • leave space between answers in case you want to add to them later
  • allow time to check work before the end of the exam
  • if you have a question, feel ill or need to leave the room, raise your hand and wait for the invigilator to come to you
  • if you think there may be an error in the question paper, notify an invigilator immediately and continue with the exam as normal (your school or college will notify us and we will ensure that if there is an error it will not affect your result)

Results day

What to expect on results days, the documents you receive, and where to go for advice and guidance.

Collecting results

Please check the times of opening during results day which will have been shared with you via letter.

If you are collecting results on behalf of someone else, the student will need to give written permission via email to [email protected] prior to results day, naming the person who will collect on the day and give the reason. Please note, we will not release results unless this protocol is followed.

Results slips

You’ll receive a results slip showing your provisional results. Results are provisional until certificates are issued.

Understanding your results slips

You can view example results slips for GCSE and A-Levels.