British Values

We recognise the importance of allowing students to flourish academically and also our wider role in preparing students for life in modern Britain.

Part of that role includes promoting and reinforcing British Values to all our students.

The government set out its definitions of British Values in the 2011 Prevent strategy as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths.

At Sandymoor, you will see British Values as a natural partner to our school values of Social Action, Pride, Resilience and Ambition throughout lessons, in assemblies and in the way students relate to each other and adults.

To strengthen our values, every year in the run-up to Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27, Year 9 students have the incredible opportunity to meet Holocaust survivor Joanna Millan – a focus for the need for tolerance, respect and compassion. Joanna was two when she was liberated from the Theresienstadt camp in what is now the Czech Republic.

We also believe that values without action are useless, that’s why we are proud to partner with social action charity First Give, to help our students make a real difference in the communities they live in.

How does Sandymoor promote these values?
