Mental Health

Children can feel lost and unsupported if they are struggling with their mental health.  Every child is different.

Please get in touch with our mental health team if you are worried, or email [email protected] Our Mental Health Lead is Mrs Elder.

Leaflets to support young people

Help outside of school is also widely available.  The GP is often the first step but other organisations offer guidance and support.

Safer Schools App – downloaded from the app store

Access up-to-date, age-appropriate guidance on staying safe, learn how to block, report and set safety settings across each social media platform.


Search ‘Safer Schools’ in the app store and select ‘Sandymoor Ormiston Academy’ – click ‘Continue’ and enter the 4 digit code: 1544


Search ‘Safer Schools’ in the app store and select ‘Sandymoor Ormiston Academy’ – click ‘Continue’ and enter the 4 digit code: 7675

Website Support

Anxiety – for parents/carers – stem4



The Charlie Waller Trust

Apps to try