
Maintaining excellent records of attendance plays a major part in giving children the best chance of academic success.

Every student in Sandymoor Ormiston Academy has a minimum attendance target of 96%.

  • Parents/carers should ensure their children attend school every day and arrive on time.
  • To report an absence call 01928 571217 before 8:30am each day.
  • Ensure you provide a note on the first day that your child returns to school for their form tutor.
  • If your child is absent for 10% of the academic year we will refer to the Education Welfare Service.
  • Parents/carers are legally responsible for ensuring regular attendance to school. Failing to do so is an offence under the Education Act (1996) which may result in penalty notices and/or fines of up to £2500 or, in extreme cases, a prison sentence.
  • Persistent lateness may lead to discussions with Education Welfare and, can lead to penalty notices being issued.

Leave of absence

We are unable to authorise any holidays in term time except in the most extreme, exceptional circumstances. In such circumstances, a written application must be made to the Principal at least one month prior to the expected date of the holiday.

Arriving and Leaving the Academy

Students should arrive in through the main school gates at 8.30am. Gates will only be open for approximately 5 minutes to allow staff to return into the building.

Students arriving after the gates have closed will access through reception and will be marked as late.

Students will leave through the gates from 3.15pm – unless attending a club.

Any students arriving / leaving at any other time throughout the school day should sign in/out at reception for safeguarding reasons.